Tuesday, February 19, 2013

It's about time...

Hello all! I'm sorry it took me so long to start doing this. Things have been a bit crazy in the last month. Anyway, I am having an amazing time with Up with People! I have finished the staging process in Lakeland, FL and have started touring. Last week I was in Fort Myers and I'm now in Orlando.

I absolutely loved my stay in Lakeland. I made some great friends and have already developed some really strong relationships. There was a lot of rehearsing to be done the first month but we also did quite a bit of educational stuff to prepare us for our tour. I've already learned so much! While in Lakeland, I got to do some service work at a local children's home which I really enjoyed. We're truly becoming a family. It's great! I could not be happier :)

Now that we're on the road, things are flying by! Last week in Fort Myers went by soooo quickly! I did some promotional work with our Marketing Team one day and was recording backup vocals in a hotel room the next. Never are two days alike. My cast was lucky enough to be a part of the Fort Myers Edison Festival of Light Parade on Saturday night which was a blast! A bit chilly though... Our two shows on Sunday went extremely well :) Our matinee was completely sold out!

I'm now in Orlando staying with my parents for a couple of nights which has been really nice. I took the day off today to spend some time with them. Back to work tomorrow though! (If you can call it work).

Well, I apologize for taking so long with this. I'm going to try and write at least once a week from now on to keep you all updated on my travels! If you ever want to know more feel free to email me :)

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